Lately, I've been very busy with my work and personal projects. Still, I managed to download and burn PicarOS Diego 2014 and openmamba Rolling Release 20141008 (64 bits).
Interestingly enough, the live CD of openmamba is too big to fit on a CD. I needed a DVD for it. The first thing I noticed was that the cute mamba logo (it resembled an "S" before) now looks like an "O". Or was it because I was running the rolling version? That circular new mamba rolled as soon as I booted the system!
I haven't been able to test openmamba much, but so far I'm very pleased with this little known Italian distro. Unfortunately, the liveCD does not have much software to try. I have to download the live DVD or install the basic CD and then download the packages I want. Since I don't have much time, I'll try downloading the full DVD later.
PicarOS, on its part, is doing better and better. Now they added a trashbin and a minilauncher of several applications to the desktop. They got rid of Poisson Rouge. The developers added a lot of interesting features to this children-oriented distro, but I'll have to try them and test them when I get more time in my hands. As I see it, that will have to wait for a couple of months...
Boy! So much to do and so little time!
Busy days, truly. You have to show me this new PicarOS and OpenMamaba!
ResponderEliminarYes. I nned to burn the full OpenMamba DVD. If it's like the CD, then it is a keeper.