This is the method I followed to add the screenlock function to PicarOS Diego 2015. Since PicarOS uses LXDE, I could find my way to do it.
1. Replacing the Screensaver:
a- Replace MateScreensaver with Xscreensaver (I used Synaptic for adding Xscreensaver).
b- Make a file called “Screensaver.desktop” with Leafpad,
add this as its content:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=xscreensaver -nosplash
c- Set its permissions and make it executable (With right click / properties).
d- Save the file as root in: /etc/xdg/autostart/ (I used PCManFm as root)
e- Open the Startmenu (the cat footprint), go to Preferences /
Desktop Session Settings, and tick “Screensaver” in the list of
the tab “Automatically Started Applications”.
2. Making a Screenlock file:
a- As root, go to /usr/share/applications and make sure you have
the Screenlock.desktop file. If not, make it and add this as its
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Lock your screen
b- Set its permissions and make it executable.
3. Adding Screenlock to the panel:
a- Right click on the panel and choose “panel settings”
b- Choose the tab “Panel Applets”, find the last “Application
Launch Bar” from the currently loaded plugins list. Then press the
button “Preferences”
c- You must see in the panel to your left the
button “Shutdown.” In the list of installed applications to your right, open
“Accessories” and look for Screenlock”.
d- Select ScreenLock and press “Add” (from the buttons in the
middle) to add it to the panel on your left, where Shutdown is and
use the button “up” to move it above Shutdown.
Although the process was pretty long, it was not difficult. I guess there must be a better way to do it but I'm glad I could find one at least.
Wow. That was a quite an achievement. Congratulations! How is it working?